Thursday, May 21, 2015


so much I want to tell you guys

but somehow I think you already know :P

I guess I'm leaving breadcrumbs for the noobs/future selves so here we go with the obligatory text/video/images/whatever posts- for the sake of the records. 

So here we are in may 2015 and the theme this year seems to be twin flames, marriage, expectations for partnerships, recognizing the family soul, and working within the bloodlines. It's all very interesting and blah blah blah-

but where is MY freedom? 

 me = we 
my = ours

ours being.. who? 

the "3d incarnates" on earth. Why are our bodies suffering this unnatural lifestyle at the sake of our mental overlords? sake.. amusement more like. Our scientific higher selves that like to poke and prod- push us into situations- create these blocks then watch us struggle with them. Are these experiences truly of my choosing? Why would I choose suffering over bliss? Why must suffering and bliss be separate? are they one thing? just a myriad of emotions/energies that paint our realities. Perhaps it is the dance of the polarities, yes- that make any great photograph. 

Is life performance art? when did we stop dancing? this funeral march act has grown tired and old= but can there be growth without eventual entropy? 

these of course are all just words swimming up and down through the polarities. 
Which i guess is something we must do in order to resolve all of the questions- to put down all the silly notions and expectations of "how to be" in this universe. 

the universe has been shouting at me, telling me who i am- that I have to remember who I am- remember my mission- all these things... sometimes seems to be something to it- but when i come back down to earth- that light grows dim- the reality is so far away- so impossible.... 

This reality at times so false and so real- and the same it seems in all states of consciousness- so nothing is real. so what? why am I still continually manifesting experiences? why must I speak and carry a brain to compute and interpret- why must I be in form? am I light trapped in matter? or matter creating/projecting light? wtf lol

wtf is a starseed day 1044